I am a huge fan of a terrible television show. Yes, I do have a one eyed devil (in the religious world I grew up in, I remember quite a few preachers calling the TV the “one eyed devil”) in my house—well actually I have a few. Tonight I watched Boston Legal, well actually I started watching a few minutes after it started because I was on the phone with my mother and I totally forgot that it was on. But I think Boston Legal has produced its best show ever, in this its final season.
Boston Legal is one of those shows that is always very politically motivated, and I would call it a very left wing minded show. In fact just a week ago I felt like the episode was another infomercial for President Elect Obama. Tonight was different. Tonight the writers of Boston Legal took on the subject of abortion and they debated this
subject as well and as clearly as I have ever heard it debated.
The shows primary character, Allen Shore (James Spader), is typically as liberal as any person you’ll ever meet. His counterpart Denny Crane (William Shatner), is a gun toting, conservative, right wing republican who was swayed at the last minute to vote for a democrat presidential nominee for the first time ever. Both of the show’s primary characters are blatantly immoral. The immorality seemed, to me, to be a knock on the republican, but it just now dawned on me that both characters are immoral so I can’t really say that the writers are painting the republican as immoral as a knock on the right because the liberal democrat is immoral as well.
Anyway, in tonight’s episode of Boston Legal the main subject at hand was abortion and the liberal
characters admitted that they believed they needed Roe versus Wade to mend their conscience about abortion. Two of the blatantly liberal attorneys each admitted that they had never quit regretting the abortions that they had been involved in earlier in their lives. Allen Shore seemed to admit that he had been the father of two aborted pregnancy, and Shirley Schmidt (Candice Bergen) admitted that she never got over the guilt of her abortion.
In what seemed dramatic to me, Allen Shore admitted that he had a little trouble actually believing that a fetus wasn’t an actual human child or that life didn’t start at conception. Personally I believe that most pro-choice advocates, if they were totally honest would admit that they too have trouble pretending that a fetus isn’t actually a human being.
Let me end my little advertisement for an immoral television show by making this shocking and possibly
naïve statement—Obama’s Election may Lead to the Overturning of Roe versus Wade. I know, I know—most of your think I am nuts, maybe I have mad cow disease, but hear me out if you have read this far.
Have you ever been in a good fight? Now this doesn’t seem to be the case with girls, but in my experience— sometimes when two guys getting into a good fight they come out of the fight as friends. Another thing that happens in some fights, fights of the words nature as opposed to fists—is each side runs intellectually to their poles. In other words the conservatives run to the furthest right pole and the liberals run to the left as far as possible. But once the fight is over, there is some seepage or sliding back to where each person actually lives or thinks. This I believe is especially true when you win the fight or debate, and even more so when you convincingly win the debate.
What if, since the liberal democrats won so convincingly they have a new found confidence and they are able to be more honest than ever? What if, as they become honest one of the things that they no longer feel compelled to hold on to as one of their pole issues (by pole issue I mean pole as in polar opposite—or as far apart as the north and south poles) is the issue of abortion?
Well, although I didn’t vote for Obama his election as President of the United States has excited me. I maybe naive and even stupid to even allow this thought from my mind to my fingertips, but it sure would be cool if Obama and other liberal democrats felt confident enough about their party and their platform to reconsider abortion. It seems odd to me that a party so concerned about the environment isn’t equally concerned about human life—see I do believe that life begins at conception.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
My conversation with a naturalist - he doesn't think the supernatural exists...
This is my response to his..... "the supernatural doesn't exist" remark
A few quick examples....
In the summer of 1993 I prayed and asked Jesus for a very specific sign - the next morning I received around 240 postcards - they all answered my question....
In the fall of 1994 I believed that Jesus told me that he was going to give me a house to live in. (I had been trying to figure out how my girlfriend and I could get married with me being piss poor) I told her about it on a Friday. We laughed and joked about it all day Friday and Saturday but we didn't tell anyone but one another. Saturday evening a wonderful lady told me that we could live in the house she had just inherited from her mother - all we needed to do was pay the taxes and insurance.
In 2003 I decided to give away my salary for the entire month of January... I really wasn't sure how we would make it, but there were so many answers to conversations with Jesus that I had to start writing them down.
Last year, I had been driving a 1993 Mercury Villager for about 6 years. I never wore a seat belt. I just don't like them. They are frustrating and I always told people that I couldn't fit out the window anyway. I am 6 foot 5 and around 340lbs. Anyway - I do and did talk to my imaginary friend all the time (He isn't at all imaginary - Jesus is more real to me than you are!) but I never wore a seat belt. My wife and kids hated me not wearing a seat belt and we often had little arguments about it. Well one evening as I was pulling out of my driveway to watch a Carolina Tar Heel Basketball game on a big 12 x 12 projector screen... (They were playing LR College - it wasn't televised so some friends and I were projecting it at my office from a computer feed!) Anyway Jesus told me to put on my seat belt. I laughed and thought to myself... this is crazy. Now let me remind you - I have no rules! This will sound cheezy but... when you are with the king in the king's kingdom and He knows and sees and has all power - who needs rules. Anyway... I put on the seat belt... first time in years... (By the way - Jesus has never spoken to me with a voice that people around me could hear... some would say that it isn't an audible voice but I actually hear it in my head as clearly as if it were an audible voice) I took a left out of my drive way then took three more lefts.. and not 2 miles from my home a Saturn pulled out in front of me and I hit it hard. That d--- seat belt hurt my chest but it probably kept my face from busting the front glass.
A few quick examples....
In the summer of 1993 I prayed and asked Jesus for a very specific sign - the next morning I received around 240 postcards - they all answered my question....
In the fall of 1994 I believed that Jesus told me that he was going to give me a house to live in. (I had been trying to figure out how my girlfriend and I could get married with me being piss poor) I told her about it on a Friday. We laughed and joked about it all day Friday and Saturday but we didn't tell anyone but one another. Saturday evening a wonderful lady told me that we could live in the house she had just inherited from her mother - all we needed to do was pay the taxes and insurance.
In 2003 I decided to give away my salary for the entire month of January... I really wasn't sure how we would make it, but there were so many answers to conversations with Jesus that I had to start writing them down.
Last year, I had been driving a 1993 Mercury Villager for about 6 years. I never wore a seat belt. I just don't like them. They are frustrating and I always told people that I couldn't fit out the window anyway. I am 6 foot 5 and around 340lbs. Anyway - I do and did talk to my imaginary friend all the time (He isn't at all imaginary - Jesus is more real to me than you are!) but I never wore a seat belt. My wife and kids hated me not wearing a seat belt and we often had little arguments about it. Well one evening as I was pulling out of my driveway to watch a Carolina Tar Heel Basketball game on a big 12 x 12 projector screen... (They were playing LR College - it wasn't televised so some friends and I were projecting it at my office from a computer feed!) Anyway Jesus told me to put on my seat belt. I laughed and thought to myself... this is crazy. Now let me remind you - I have no rules! This will sound cheezy but... when you are with the king in the king's kingdom and He knows and sees and has all power - who needs rules. Anyway... I put on the seat belt... first time in years... (By the way - Jesus has never spoken to me with a voice that people around me could hear... some would say that it isn't an audible voice but I actually hear it in my head as clearly as if it were an audible voice) I took a left out of my drive way then took three more lefts.. and not 2 miles from my home a Saturn pulled out in front of me and I hit it hard. That d--- seat belt hurt my chest but it probably kept my face from busting the front glass.
don't go to church,
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Non-Partisan Look at the Debate
A non-partisan, non-religious guy speaks about the debate.
(By the way I am non-religious but I love Jesus Christ!)
Well it seemed to me like the debate started quickly with the economy being the first issue discussed. McCain brought up Joe the Plumber - If I understand right Joe has been a plumber for quite some time now and he wants to buy the business in the next few months or years. I believe when Joe buys the plumbing company he currently works for the revenues would be more than 280k / year.
McCain's never mentioned how much Joe the Plumber would make on an annual basis and by leaving out that piece of information I believe that the "Average Joe" felt as if he could really relate to "Joe the Plumber."
Obama on the other hand wanted to make it clear that his tax increases would hit people like himself and Warren Buffet and not typical "Average Joes."
Basically this is a place that you can vote for your preferred issue - leave the candidates out of this issue and vote for the way you believe taxes should be.
If you think taxes should be paid by all and shared in proportion to your income VOTE MCCAIN
If you think taxes should be charged heavier to the richest 5% of our income earners... VOTE OBAMA.
ISSUE ONE WINNER: MCCAIN - the Joe the Plumber played well for him. - it may bite him in a few days as the lower income voters realize that Joe the Plumber's company would have over 250 in revenue.
Neither candidate admitted that they would cut anything back.
ISSUE TWO WINNER OBAMA: OBAMA seemed to have some answers to things that he would cut out of the old economies... I suspect there is a ton more!
I am not so sure that I am totally opposed to negative politics. I want to know if one of the candidates has a clear lack of character.
This issue allowed McCain to play Hilary Clinton's questions on Obama without looking like he was the only guy asking.
Obama's relationship with Bill Ayres was well addressed and clearly answered. Some will still be against Obama for that relationship, but Obama answered the question.
However, Obama didn't answer the ACORN issue with total truth. Even CNN reported this morning that Obama didn't totally tell the truth.
ISSUE THREE WINNER: MCCAIN... the combination punch of Ayres and ACORN may have missed with Ayres, but the second punch landed even if it wasn't as bad as the Ayres issue.
ISSUE FOUR: What type of people will you bring into office... and abortion?
Depending on whether you are pro-life or pro-choice or pro-life / pro-choice you got your question answered here. Obama is pro-choice and McCain is pro-life. They both said that abortion would not be litmus test for their selections of judges, but they both went on to say that a judge that he would pick would vote the same way they would in that matter.
ISSUE FOUR WINNER: OBAMA I think this subject helped Obama because of McCain's talking about Sarah Palin. As he was talking I wondered if she would have time to do her job.
ISSUE FIVE: Energy and Climate...
McCain won this easily. He started talking about Obama as a wordsmith"er". I received a phone call from a close friend. When McCain pointed out that Obama said that he would look into off shore drilling but that he didn't say he would do it.... My friend called (or texted) to say "I am voting for McCain."
Obama wins here. Unless you fear we are becoming a socialist country. (By the way - both of these guys were in favor of the bailout. I was against it. I liked Dave Ramsey's plan better.)
ISSUE SIX WINNER: OBAMA - I currently don't have health insurance. I am opposed to socialism and I am opposed to Obama's socialization of health care, but as he talked about health care I thought to myself - "If Obama gets in maybe I won't have to worry about loosing everything because of a medical issue."
ISSUE SEVEN: OOPS I MIXED THIS ISSUE up with number four... just noticed. Either way this was a somewhat split issue.
McCain did do a good job of portraying Sarah as a shoot from the hip and get things done kind of girl.
That didn't taste too bad. One thing I like about Sarah is... maybe she hasn't been a politician long enough have fallen in the trap.
Obama - throw more money at it
McCain - Don't
They both failed here. Either one of the candidates could have shown that they had thought this through more! This is a big issue and both candidates treated it like a secondary issue.
McCain won in the closing statements for one reason. When Obama went back to the eight failed years and I was reminded of McCain's comment about -"If you wanted to run against Bush you should have run four years ago." I laughed out loud.
MY TAKE... IF I HAD THE OPTION OF HAVING LUNCH WITH ONE OF THESE CANDIDATES I WOULD PICK OBAMA. I LIKE THE GUY, I THINK HE WOULD BE FUN TO BE AROUND. I DON'T THINK HE IS A TERRORIST. I THINK HE WANTS TO HELP AMERICA. However; I think I am leaning more towards voting for McCain because I agree more with his policy. The only place I adamantly disagreed with both candidates was education. No child left behind is a mistake - our education system needs the money the banks are getting - and we do need to pay teachers based on performance. We need to fix our education system - desperately. Our country believes the best answer to our economy is to more debt!!! Something about our education system is failing to wipe the stupid off!
FREEZE SPENDING.... ??? yeah I think that is the way I would start.
(By the way I am non-religious but I love Jesus Christ!)
Well it seemed to me like the debate started quickly with the economy being the first issue discussed. McCain brought up Joe the Plumber - If I understand right Joe has been a plumber for quite some time now and he wants to buy the business in the next few months or years. I believe when Joe buys the plumbing company he currently works for the revenues would be more than 280k / year.
McCain's never mentioned how much Joe the Plumber would make on an annual basis and by leaving out that piece of information I believe that the "Average Joe" felt as if he could really relate to "Joe the Plumber."
Obama on the other hand wanted to make it clear that his tax increases would hit people like himself and Warren Buffet and not typical "Average Joes."
Basically this is a place that you can vote for your preferred issue - leave the candidates out of this issue and vote for the way you believe taxes should be.
If you think taxes should be paid by all and shared in proportion to your income VOTE MCCAIN
If you think taxes should be charged heavier to the richest 5% of our income earners... VOTE OBAMA.
ISSUE ONE WINNER: MCCAIN - the Joe the Plumber played well for him. - it may bite him in a few days as the lower income voters realize that Joe the Plumber's company would have over 250 in revenue.
Neither candidate admitted that they would cut anything back.
ISSUE TWO WINNER OBAMA: OBAMA seemed to have some answers to things that he would cut out of the old economies... I suspect there is a ton more!
I am not so sure that I am totally opposed to negative politics. I want to know if one of the candidates has a clear lack of character.
This issue allowed McCain to play Hilary Clinton's questions on Obama without looking like he was the only guy asking.
Obama's relationship with Bill Ayres was well addressed and clearly answered. Some will still be against Obama for that relationship, but Obama answered the question.
However, Obama didn't answer the ACORN issue with total truth. Even CNN reported this morning that Obama didn't totally tell the truth.
ISSUE THREE WINNER: MCCAIN... the combination punch of Ayres and ACORN may have missed with Ayres, but the second punch landed even if it wasn't as bad as the Ayres issue.
ISSUE FOUR: What type of people will you bring into office... and abortion?
Depending on whether you are pro-life or pro-choice or pro-life / pro-choice you got your question answered here. Obama is pro-choice and McCain is pro-life. They both said that abortion would not be litmus test for their selections of judges, but they both went on to say that a judge that he would pick would vote the same way they would in that matter.
ISSUE FOUR WINNER: OBAMA I think this subject helped Obama because of McCain's talking about Sarah Palin. As he was talking I wondered if she would have time to do her job.
ISSUE FIVE: Energy and Climate...
McCain won this easily. He started talking about Obama as a wordsmith"er". I received a phone call from a close friend. When McCain pointed out that Obama said that he would look into off shore drilling but that he didn't say he would do it.... My friend called (or texted) to say "I am voting for McCain."
Obama wins here. Unless you fear we are becoming a socialist country. (By the way - both of these guys were in favor of the bailout. I was against it. I liked Dave Ramsey's plan better.)
ISSUE SIX WINNER: OBAMA - I currently don't have health insurance. I am opposed to socialism and I am opposed to Obama's socialization of health care, but as he talked about health care I thought to myself - "If Obama gets in maybe I won't have to worry about loosing everything because of a medical issue."
ISSUE SEVEN: OOPS I MIXED THIS ISSUE up with number four... just noticed. Either way this was a somewhat split issue.
McCain did do a good job of portraying Sarah as a shoot from the hip and get things done kind of girl.
That didn't taste too bad. One thing I like about Sarah is... maybe she hasn't been a politician long enough have fallen in the trap.
Obama - throw more money at it
McCain - Don't
They both failed here. Either one of the candidates could have shown that they had thought this through more! This is a big issue and both candidates treated it like a secondary issue.
McCain won in the closing statements for one reason. When Obama went back to the eight failed years and I was reminded of McCain's comment about -"If you wanted to run against Bush you should have run four years ago." I laughed out loud.
MY TAKE... IF I HAD THE OPTION OF HAVING LUNCH WITH ONE OF THESE CANDIDATES I WOULD PICK OBAMA. I LIKE THE GUY, I THINK HE WOULD BE FUN TO BE AROUND. I DON'T THINK HE IS A TERRORIST. I THINK HE WANTS TO HELP AMERICA. However; I think I am leaning more towards voting for McCain because I agree more with his policy. The only place I adamantly disagreed with both candidates was education. No child left behind is a mistake - our education system needs the money the banks are getting - and we do need to pay teachers based on performance. We need to fix our education system - desperately. Our country believes the best answer to our economy is to more debt!!! Something about our education system is failing to wipe the stupid off!
FREEZE SPENDING.... ??? yeah I think that is the way I would start.
don't go to church,
joe the plumber,
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