Sunday, September 27, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Well we got started painting the new youth room today
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Kennedy Space Center Today
Kennedy Space Center Today (actually a few weeks ago... 8/20/09 to be exact)
Well $199.28 for Chantae’ and I and the four kids. I still am not sure whether or not it is worth it. But there was plenty to see. We saw two IMAX movies, one was about the moon landings, and the other was about the space station. That space station is amazing. The moon landings movie had Tom Hanks as a narrator, and the space station movie bragged Tom Cruise.
Throughout the day I kept thinking about how amazing God is. Just think, God allows us to explore earth, the moon, and possibly even Mars in the next decade or two. If I were God – I think I would be too controlling to allow my creation to go all over the milky way, but then again I think the milky way is a big portion of God’s creation.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I can't explain how bad my cell phone carrier is....
The C Section
The C Section
I was at the pool today (8/21/09) with Noah, Adam, and Elijah and a 13 year old boy from the area showed up at the pool. Evidently he lives down the street a few blocks. I asked him where he was from and he said the “C” section. I thought… dude I didn’t ask how you got here, I asked where you are from or where you live.
He went on to explain that there are different areas in Palm Coast. There are sections of town where every street starts with a “C” and sections where every street starts with a “W” and so on. I found that an interesting piece of worthless information – don’t you?
Oh by the way, the boy’s name is Michael, and his parents just got divorced. He is living with dad in the “C” section and his mom lives on the other side of Palm Coast in the “W” section. Sadly he is representative of most families these days – broken.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The NFL is about winning
I have heard a lot of commentators this week (I wrote this in late July) say that the NFL is about winning. They have basically been asking the question – “Will Brett Favre help the Vikings win more football games?” But that isn’t the question that really matters to the Vikings organization.
What is the primary question the Vikings organization is asking – “Will signing and playing Bret Favre sell tickets?” The answer to that was a strong positive YES! I just heard on Sports Center how many season tickets and individual tickets were sold in 24 hours! I am afraid to write what I think I heard – did I just hear 3000 season tickets, and over 10,000 individual tickets?
Brett Favre sells tickets; that is a big reason he will be throwing a football in the NFL this season at 40 years old. Oh by the way, I think he is good too!
Friday, September 11, 2009
stumbled across something interesting...
I was searching through some of John Piper's stuff today as I prepare for our conversation (I would say sermon, but our sermons are more conversations than simply sermons) this Sunday. Anyway... I really enjoyed this read and was very impressed with John Piper's courage to talk about grace and freedom. I suspect if he were a lesser respected man, he would get blasted for talking like this.
For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness.
The text begins with a clear and refreshing statement of Christ's will for our lives. Sometimes we get bogged down in a quandary about God's will. And often we worry about decisions which are simply not a great issue with God (where to go to school, what job to take, where to live, etc.). We need to orient our lives on the clear statements of Scripture regarding God's will. And here is one: "For freedom Christ has set us free." Christ's will for you is that you enjoy freedom. Where you go to school, what job you do, where you live, etc., are not nearly so crucial as whether you stand fast in freedom. If they were, the Bible would have commanded those things as clearly as it here commands freedom. But it doesn't. So your enjoyment of freedom is much more important to God than many of the day-to-day decisions that fill us with so much concern. A good test of your priorities in life would be whether you are just as concerned about the command to enjoy your freedom as you are about other pressing decisions in your life. Do you exercise as much diligence in prayer and study to stand fast in freedom as you do to decide about home, job, school, marriage partner? It is a clear and unqualified command: "Stand fast and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." This is the will of God for you: your freedom. Uncompromising, unrelenting, indomitable freedom. For this Christ died. For this he rose. For this he sent his Spirit. There is nothing he wills with more intensity under the glory of his own name than this: your freedom. That's my message today. All else is explanation and incentive.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I felt like I should step in a stop a fight tonight!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
I love my life
I love my life, don’t get me wrong. But it is Wednesday of our week in Florida. I am starting to think about our vacation coming to an end. I have a taste of sadness. We will head home on Saturday morning, and meet at aplacetotalk on Sunday morning. Then I am back at school on Monday and the kids are all back to school on Tuesday.
I am glad that I am taking Graphic Design, I am excited about learning Dreamweaver and web design this semester. But at the same time I am dreading the long school hours. I don’t feel like I have enough time to put into church work as it is, but this semester I am at school a bit more. If someday I can be a graphic designer who plants churches and teaches at aplacetotalk on the side (totally voluntarily) that would be a great blessing. Or maybe I would get paid, but I could give away more than I am paid! That would be a great feeling.
As I think about heading home, I remember that I get to make another offer on a little house. This house is the perfect house to give away someday! I have always wanted to own a bunch of rental houses, and eventually be able to give some away! I don’t want to ever be like the US government though and give to people to the point that they become dependent and lazy.
Boy this was a rambling post, sorry.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Faith's Pet Cockroach
Remember the water cockroaches from the other day? Well Faith begged to keep one and we let her. I fully expect that it will die before morning, but for now she has a pet water cockroach. Of course she is still calling it a crab, but we aren’t sure exactly what it really is.
Anyway, I have never seen her enjoy something quite like this. She wanted to take it with us today when we went out to play shuffleboard. She played with it the whole time. She would tell us when it was sleeping, eating, etc. She has an average size bucket and she has decided which quarter is the kitchen, bedroom, etc. When the little cockroach goes there… she tells us what he (or she) is doing. Too funny!
Friday, September 4, 2009
We went to the beach today; it is about a five minute drive from our condo. It was a public beach and the parking was right up to the sand. Short walk beautiful beach. We caught probably 100 little crab like things. We were calling them crabs but we didn’t really know what they were. A lady walked by and saw them – her first language was Spanish and she said she didn’t know what to call them in English, but she said water cockroaches. They were so easy to catch; you could catch ten at a time by picking up big handfuls of sand. With a bucket if you scooped up sand in the right place you might catch twenty in one bucket of sand.
That public beach didn’t have lifeguards and did have quite a few rocks. They were large rocks and with Bill and Anna heading toward the states the water was somewhat rough. After about 10 minutes in the ocean I told the boys that this was the hardest waves I had ever seen. Just a few minutes later I realized that that statement probably wasn’t true but I had already spoken it. That got me to thinking…. Why is it that I am so quick to think, or speak in absolutes? What do you think? Is it our culture? Is it my sick competitive nature? Just a thought…
Speaking of absolutes, today Bret Favre announced that he would be quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings this year! Now how many times has he been absolutely retired?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I don't know what to think...
Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Wholly Guacamole!
Wholly Guacamole!
I have made chicken fajitas many times but I have never bought guacamole for my homemade chicken fajitas. I doubt I ever make chicken fajitas again without some guacamole!
The brand name I used this time was Wholly Guacamole, spicy. Wow was it good!