Friday, January 1, 2010


I am trying to read through the One Year Bible in 2010 and take notes for my children - I hope these notes help my children each hear and know my heart.

Genesis 1:1 – 2:25 (One Year Bible) January 1

To my children (Noah, Adam, Elijah, and Faith):

I am reading through the One Year Bible and writing a short blog post everyday to share with you guys. I have noticed lately that I am not doing a good job of teaching you guys about the Bible, and I am failing to teach you to pray. We don’t even pray at meals like as regularly as we should. I am not apologizing because I want our relationship with one another to be real, and I want certainly want to teach you to have an authentic relationship with God. I could care less if you bow your heads before each meal and have a ceremonial meaningless time of quoting some habitual (sorry Adam, Elijah, and Faith that may be a Noah word) prayer, but I do hope you realize that God provides everything for you and that you are thankful to Him.

Anyway I just read through Genesis 1 and 2 and there are a few things that I see that I think are very important. I noticed that time was God’s idea, that God saw that His creation was good, that we (human kind) were created to reign or rule over the earth, and that at the end of a week of work God rested from His creative work.

Kids I hope that you will remember God created everything, including time and the work week. Growing up in the richness of America I am so afraid that you kids could miss understanding the importance of WORK. God created us to work, to create, and to reign or govern the earth. He also taught us by His action and behavior the necessity of rest.

Kids as you grow up, and especially as you get older – I pray to God that you never underestimate the value of a hard day’s work! Working is so important, and I pray that you will work hard all your life.

Faith, you don’t have to ever settle for a man that isn’t willing to work as hard as he has to so that you can stay at home and be a mother while your children are being raised.

Noah, Adam, and Elijah you shouldn’t have to settle for a woman when you grow up who doesn’t realize that being a great mother is just as important as any other job on earth!

Matthew 1:-2:12 January 1 NT

Kids, there is something that I want to share with you from the New Testament today as well. Well actually there are two things today.

Two things I want to share with you here: (1) Jesus was born of a virgin. (2) Jesus is God!

(1) Jesus was born of a virgin, which means that Joseph was not Jesus’ real father. Jesus’ Father was God. Joseph did later marry Mary, but the real Father of Jesus was God.

(2) Jesus is God! The book of Matthew uses the word Immanuel, and Immanuel means “God with us.” So Jesus is literally God, but specifically God come to earth.

January 1 P&P Psalms 1:1-6, Proverbs 1:1-6

Hey Noah, Adam, Elijah, and Faith it’s me, dad again. This time I am want to tell you a little something I read from Psalms and Proverbs today.

In Psalms I read today that you can grow more joyful if you will delight and think about the law of the Lord a lot. I know it sounds strange to say that you should think about law, especially if you think laws are rules. The truth is the law isn’t really just rules; it is more like directions for how to do life the best, in a way that will help you really enjoy your life.

That reminds me, do ya’ll remember that time we were in Florida and we borrowed the game “Life” from the resort office. Noah and Adam went down there to borrow “Candy Land” to play with Faith, but they didn’t have it. So you guys brought back “Chinese Checkers” instead, but then when we opened “Chinese Checkers” the pieces weren’t there, so you went back and got “Life.” We all sat down to play the game but no one could remember how to play and there weren’t any directions.

Anyway meditating on the law of the Lord isn’t really about just thinking about the rules – it is more about thinking about the directions for life, not a game but real life!

What I read in Proverbs today is really about the same thing…. It basically says that if you will read the wise sayings of Proverbs you will become wiser!

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