Friday, October 17, 2008

My conversation with a naturalist - he doesn't think the supernatural exists...

This is my response to his..... "the supernatural doesn't exist" remark

A few quick examples....

In the summer of 1993 I prayed and asked Jesus for a very specific sign - the next morning I received around 240 postcards - they all answered my question....

In the fall of 1994 I believed that Jesus told me that he was going to give me a house to live in. (I had been trying to figure out how my girlfriend and I could get married with me being piss poor) I told her about it on a Friday. We laughed and joked about it all day Friday and Saturday but we didn't tell anyone but one another. Saturday evening a wonderful lady told me that we could live in the house she had just inherited from her mother - all we needed to do was pay the taxes and insurance.

In 2003 I decided to give away my salary for the entire month of January... I really wasn't sure how we would make it, but there were so many answers to conversations with Jesus that I had to start writing them down.

Last year, I had been driving a 1993 Mercury Villager for about 6 years. I never wore a seat belt. I just don't like them. They are frustrating and I always told people that I couldn't fit out the window anyway. I am 6 foot 5 and around 340lbs. Anyway - I do and did talk to my imaginary friend all the time (He isn't at all imaginary - Jesus is more real to me than you are!) but I never wore a seat belt. My wife and kids hated me not wearing a seat belt and we often had little arguments about it. Well one evening as I was pulling out of my driveway to watch a Carolina Tar Heel Basketball game on a big 12 x 12 projector screen... (They were playing LR College - it wasn't televised so some friends and I were projecting it at my office from a computer feed!) Anyway Jesus told me to put on my seat belt. I laughed and thought to myself... this is crazy. Now let me remind you - I have no rules! This will sound cheezy but... when you are with the king in the king's kingdom and He knows and sees and has all power - who needs rules. Anyway... I put on the seat belt... first time in years... (By the way - Jesus has never spoken to me with a voice that people around me could hear... some would say that it isn't an audible voice but I actually hear it in my head as clearly as if it were an audible voice) I took a left out of my drive way then took three more lefts.. and not 2 miles from my home a Saturn pulled out in front of me and I hit it hard. That d--- seat belt hurt my chest but it probably kept my face from busting the front glass.


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