Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Can man purify himself...?

With the Christmas season just behind us, I thought I would take a minute and share an interesting verse of scripture I came across in my preparation for Christmas Sunday morning conversations at aplacetotalk.

I was thinking about Christmas and why Jesus came when I came across 1 John 3:5 "You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin." We always think about Jesus' birth and we teach that Jesus came to forgive our sins. But is it possible that Jesus didn't need to come to forgive our sins? I am just thinking out loud right now - so don't label me a heretic. This isn't meant to be a theological dissertation but just a normal guy (just josh) thinking out loud and if you want to think along with me you are welcome to do so... otherwise, read someone else's blog they may write more confidently.

Anyway is it possible that God / Jesus could have offered forgiveness without coming to earth? But He came to earth in order to destroy the works and power of sin?

The other thought is this.... "Can man purify himself?"

The instant response and obvious response is no, but as I studied this passage 1 John 3 - I noticed verse 3 "Everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure."

Anyway... those are just some thoughts as we finish up the Christmas season and prepare for the New Year.

For me - I am going to make a conscious effort to fix my hope on the idea that Jesus came to destroy sin and take it away! Maybe by doing so my life will grow in purity.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Church - to go or not to go...

Well of course I go to an institutional church (http://www.aplacetotalk.net) but I don't think of going to "church" or a typical Sunday morning club the way most "ministerial types" think of going to church.

This past week I was listening to "Let's talk it's Relationship" and I believe it was the podcast from 10.21.09 (http://familyroommedia.com/podcast.html). Anyway the thing that got me to thinking more than anything was this.... does institutional "church attendance" cause us to fall into a trap of selling or marketing our "club / church" to people instead of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others more naturally?

Instead of teaching believers to invite people to a "church or institutional Sunday morning club" shouldn't we teach believers to simply befriend people? Then after befriending someone we walk in friendship with that person and allow the love of Christ to live in and through us. We can't befriend someone with the goal of getting that person into your "church" because most people can see right through that and truth is... who pulls a bait and switch with a real friend?

I guess I say that to say... maybe I should be less concerned with planting a new church and more concerned with helping people grow to be great friends and follow Christ passionately. Then they'll be a great church - whether they gather on Sunday's or not.

With that in mind I pray that aplacetotalk.net will become exactly what God wants it to become.

I decided to blog today as a safety valve for me... I have to be very careful not to get trapped back in the same trap that many people who desire to follow Christ get caught in. It seems that one plan of the enemy is to find people who desire to share Christ and His message and convert them to sharing religion, a church, or morality. When the enemy successfully gets those who know Christ to give their energy to religion, and institution, or the following of rules that person is neutralized and not an effective tool in the hand of Christ.

Father, I used to live for myself and I realized how meaningless that was when I met Your Son Jesus. Then for some reason or another I began to live for whatever church, pastor, or institution I served. Then I re-discovered You and the freedom that comes from living for and in You alone. Over the past six months or so, I may be slipping back into living more for an institution than for You. Today I am reminded how easily I could fall into the trap of living for aplacetotalk and while that looks honorable to religious individuals I have experienced the freedom that comes from living for You and You alone. I wouldn't trade that freedom and peace for anything. God please help me to put You first daily and allow aplacetotalk to simply be a gathering of Your friends with Your agenda. Amen

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What is Baptism?

This Sunday's conversation at aplacetotalk (aplacetotalk.net) will be all about Baptism. I would love to hear your thoughts.... what is the purpose and meaning behind baptism. Thanks, Josh

Friday, October 9, 2009

Blog editor test - ?

I am trying this blog editor for Flock.... a new web broswer
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Jacked up Religion...

Well I am taking the context of this on the word of a friend, but I actually asked him to send me a photograph of the page when he read it to me. He did, so I know that the statement is in the book. I sure hope the reader misunderstood it.

The friend was reading for a class at a very popular Christian Institution of Higher Education. He was reading from a text book when he came across this statement - "We must admit that cults represent "the unpaid bills of the church."

He called me to share with me his shock at that statement.... and I was truly blown away. It is surprising that I am still (because they unfortunately are normal for many in religion) shocked by comments like those, but I am.

How far off purpose, and off direction do we have to get to be thinking about the "unpaid bills of the church" when we are thinking about people in cults? Truth is... I am not so bothered by the thought, but I am blown away by the decision to put that very thought into writing. I too have terrible thoughts from time to time... but I don't say or write everything I think. And yes I do write some dumb things... sorry for that.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What we talked about on 9.27.09:

#1 When we tell the story of Christianity, we too often forget to start the story and end the story with the Garden of Eden and God dwelling with man. See God created man and placed him in a garden, without sin, sickness, disease etc.

#2 We must tell the middle of the story too: ie. the fall, Jesus, and the redemption of mankind. But starting the story in the middle isn't telling the whole story.

#3 In Matthew 19:28, Acts 3:19, and Colossians 1:19 we see that Jesus, Peter, and Paul saw and told the story as a story of restoration.

#4 We must be careful because sometimes the way we tell the story leaves heaven sounding a bit boring.

#5 Seeing the story (Christianity) as beginning before sin and being restored to a sinless state changes the whole story. The story isn't about getting out of here someday, instead eternal life with God begins the moment you begin a real relationship with Jesus.

#6 Instead of attempting to create a Christian version of everything (ie. Christian bands, Christian bookstores, Christian schools, Christian malls, Christian movies, Christian coffeehouses, etc.) let's take Christ with us into the secular concerts, bookstores, schools, malls, movies, bars, and coffeehouses!

#7 Maybe telling the whole story would include a sinless creation, the fall due to a lack of trust in the creator, redemption through Jesus' death on a cross, and eternal life that begins now and includes the restoration of the garden of Eden - a place where heaven and earth are the same place - GOD DWELLING WITH MAN!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well we got started painting the new youth room today

I hope to figure out the best way to fill the room with great video game systems and air hockey etc. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Kennedy Space Center Today

Kennedy Space Center Today (actually a few weeks ago... 8/20/09 to be exact)

Well $199.28 for Chantae’ and I and the four kids. I still am not sure whether or not it is worth it. But there was plenty to see. We saw two IMAX movies, one was about the moon landings, and the other was about the space station. That space station is amazing. The moon landings movie had Tom Hanks as a narrator, and the space station movie bragged Tom Cruise.

Throughout the day I kept thinking about how amazing God is. Just think, God allows us to explore earth, the moon, and possibly even Mars in the next decade or two. If I were God – I think I would be too controlling to allow my creation to go all over the milky way, but then again I think the milky way is a big portion of God’s creation.

Monday, September 14, 2009

I can't explain how bad my cell phone carrier is....

Sprint PCS is absolutely terrible when it comes to customer service. I will share my current experience.

Today I made three calls to Sprint customer service, the first two ended with my call being disconnected when I was supposed to be transfered to a higher level of support. Each call was disconnected after an over 20 minute wait for assistance.

The third call ended after the customer service agent told me that my problem wasn't something she could resolve. Then I asked her to go ahead and disconnect my service, because I would be changing phone companies first thing in the morning. At that point she told me that there was something that she could do since I had requested to end my service. Now she could transfer me to the retention department. So I explained that the last two times I had been put on hold in order to be transfered that I had been disconnected but that I didn't get a call back.

So she asks to take my number down and call me back. I told her that would be fine.

I didn't expect to hear back from her at all. But then the phone rang. Much to my surprise, even though the first two customer service agents had failed to call me back, this time I did get a return call.

It was the retention department. After an additional twenty minutes or so with them, they told me that they couldn't do anything.

I had insurance on my phone with Sprint, but they couldn't fix my phone. I told them to go ahead and cut off my phones, they agreed.

That is the end of my relationship with Sprint.

I would recommend that others do business with someone else, Sprint PCS isn't very good in the hickory area and the customer service is well below par even in comparison to the overall horrible customer support world that we live in today.

The C Section

The C Section

I was at the pool today (8/21/09) with Noah, Adam, and Elijah and a 13 year old boy from the area showed up at the pool. Evidently he lives down the street a few blocks. I asked him where he was from and he said the “C” section. I thought… dude I didn’t ask how you got here, I asked where you are from or where you live.

He went on to explain that there are different areas in Palm Coast. There are sections of town where every street starts with a “C” and sections where every street starts with a “W” and so on. I found that an interesting piece of worthless information – don’t you?

Oh by the way, the boy’s name is Michael, and his parents just got divorced. He is living with dad in the “C” section and his mom lives on the other side of Palm Coast in the “W” section. Sadly he is representative of most families these days – broken.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The NFL is about winning

I have heard a lot of commentators this week (I wrote this in late July) say that the NFL is about winning. They have basically been asking the question – “Will Brett Favre help the Vikings win more football games?” But that isn’t the question that really matters to the Vikings organization.

What is the primary question the Vikings organization is asking – “Will signing and playing Bret Favre sell tickets?” The answer to that was a strong positive YES! I just heard on Sports Center how many season tickets and individual tickets were sold in 24 hours! I am afraid to write what I think I heard – did I just hear 3000 season tickets, and over 10,000 individual tickets?

Brett Favre sells tickets; that is a big reason he will be throwing a football in the NFL this season at 40 years old. Oh by the way, I think he is good too!

Friday, September 11, 2009

stumbled across something interesting...

I was searching through some of John Piper's stuff today as I prepare for our conversation (I would say sermon, but our sermons are more conversations than simply sermons) this Sunday. Anyway... I really enjoyed this read and was very impressed with John Piper's courage to talk about grace and freedom. I suspect if he were a lesser respected man, he would get blasted for talking like this.

Galatians 5:1-5

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness.

The text begins with a clear and refreshing statement of Christ's will for our lives. Sometimes we get bogged down in a quandary about God's will. And often we worry about decisions which are simply not a great issue with God (where to go to school, what job to take, where to live, etc.). We need to orient our lives on the clear statements of Scripture regarding God's will. And here is one: "For freedom Christ has set us free." Christ's will for you is that you enjoy freedom. Where you go to school, what job you do, where you live, etc., are not nearly so crucial as whether you stand fast in freedom. If they were, the Bible would have commanded those things as clearly as it here commands freedom. But it doesn't. So your enjoyment of freedom is much more important to God than many of the day-to-day decisions that fill us with so much concern. A good test of your priorities in life would be whether you are just as concerned about the command to enjoy your freedom as you are about other pressing decisions in your life. Do you exercise as much diligence in prayer and study to stand fast in freedom as you do to decide about home, job, school, marriage partner? It is a clear and unqualified command: "Stand fast and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery." This is the will of God for you: your freedom. Uncompromising, unrelenting, indomitable freedom. For this Christ died. For this he rose. For this he sent his Spirit. There is nothing he wills with more intensity under the glory of his own name than this: your freedom. That's my message today. All else is explanation and incentive.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I felt like I should step in a stop a fight tonight!

Earlier tonight as I was walking out of aplacetotalk, I heard a man screaming. He sounded angry, so angry I was just sure he was about to hurt someone. Dean was walking out with me and I turned to him and asked if he would follow me and see if I needed any help. My first reaction was fear for the woman the angry man was getting ready to beat or kill.

How did I know he was yelling at a woman, well I only made out one word of his screaming - "whore!" Since I have never heard a man yell "whore" at another man, I assumed this was a lady in danger.

Dean responded "That sounds like a job for the police or sherif." Just as I was starting to call Ken Hopkins, I heard the yelling continue, and I began to listen closer. The voice was still angry, but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Then Dean figured it out.

"That's the tent up the street."

I couldn't decide what to do or what to think, my desire to protect someone being hurt was still there. I drove up the street intending to listen for a bit out the window of my truck, but once there I decided to walk out in the field where I could get a peep into the tent.

The "preacher" didn't sound like a good news preacher, but I am sure that he wouldn't appreciate that comment. The 8 - 10 people under the tent didn't look like they were hearing good news either. As I stood there in the field, my first reaction was to laugh inside. But I quickly felt sad and disappointed in myself for reacting as if the situation was funny. It was ironic, but certainly not funny.

I feel sorry for the preacher since he felt like he needed to hollar for an hour to such a small crowd, I wonder why he couldn't have sat down and had a conversation with the dozen or so participants.

I feel sorry for those being screamed at because they looked hot, tired, and bored. I wonder if they could've been happier fellowshipping (fellowship is the religious word for hanging out) with family or friends after work instead of dressing up and going to a tent.

I feel sorry for the guys who set up the tent, because I am sure they were hoping for something more when they put the sweat and labor into setting up such a large tent. (I bet the tent could sit 500 if the chairs were arranged tightly.)

I felt sorry for me, since my first response was laughter. I wish I were more compasionate than I am.

As I pulled away, I thought about a child who has learned to walk make fun of his little brother or sister who is learning to walk. That is sick, and evil. Most any father would rather the brother help his little brother as he learned to walk.

Then I began to wonder how I could lead the people of aplacetotalk to help that tent preacher and those who attended his tent. Then I thought about what others would think if we were helping a group who seem to be preaching law, anger, and I just assume that legalism follows. Then I thought well maybe we could teach them about the New Covenant that Jesus came to establish, a covenant of grace.

Then I thought... maybe I should get a tent and take a month and set it up in different places for 2 - 3 night at a time advertising a "tent meeting" 7pm each night. When people arrived I could talk to them about grace, and have real conversations about Jesus and His message of love, forgiveness, and freedom from the bondage of sin and sickness. I would assume that the type of people who showed up for a tent meeting would be the very same type of people who would be very confused by a message of love, forgiveness, freedom, and grace.

I just listened to Andy Stanley teach about a quote from Craig Groshell today... "To reach people that no one else is reaching we have to try things that no one else is trying." I want to try things no one else is trying... and truth is - I don't think there are many grace teachers out there trying to reach the religious extreme. Maybe I should seriously consider this... maybe, maybe not.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I love my life

I love my life, don’t get me wrong. But it is Wednesday of our week in Florida. I am starting to think about our vacation coming to an end. I have a taste of sadness. We will head home on Saturday morning, and meet at aplacetotalk on Sunday morning. Then I am back at school on Monday and the kids are all back to school on Tuesday.

I am glad that I am taking Graphic Design, I am excited about learning Dreamweaver and web design this semester. But at the same time I am dreading the long school hours. I don’t feel like I have enough time to put into church work as it is, but this semester I am at school a bit more. If someday I can be a graphic designer who plants churches and teaches at aplacetotalk on the side (totally voluntarily) that would be a great blessing. Or maybe I would get paid, but I could give away more than I am paid! That would be a great feeling.

As I think about heading home, I remember that I get to make another offer on a little house. This house is the perfect house to give away someday! I have always wanted to own a bunch of rental houses, and eventually be able to give some away! I don’t want to ever be like the US government though and give to people to the point that they become dependent and lazy.

Boy this was a rambling post, sorry.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Faith's Pet Cockroach

Remember the water cockroaches from the other day? Well Faith begged to keep one and we let her. I fully expect that it will die before morning, but for now she has a pet water cockroach. Of course she is still calling it a crab, but we aren’t sure exactly what it really is.

Anyway, I have never seen her enjoy something quite like this. She wanted to take it with us today when we went out to play shuffleboard. She played with it the whole time. She would tell us when it was sleeping, eating, etc. She has an average size bucket and she has decided which quarter is the kitchen, bedroom, etc. When the little cockroach goes there… she tells us what he (or she) is doing. Too funny!

Friday, September 4, 2009



We went to the beach today; it is about a five minute drive from our condo. It was a public beach and the parking was right up to the sand. Short walk beautiful beach. We caught probably 100 little crab like things. We were calling them crabs but we didn’t really know what they were. A lady walked by and saw them – her first language was Spanish and she said she didn’t know what to call them in English, but she said water cockroaches. They were so easy to catch; you could catch ten at a time by picking up big handfuls of sand. With a bucket if you scooped up sand in the right place you might catch twenty in one bucket of sand.

That public beach didn’t have lifeguards and did have quite a few rocks. They were large rocks and with Bill and Anna heading toward the states the water was somewhat rough. After about 10 minutes in the ocean I told the boys that this was the hardest waves I had ever seen. Just a few minutes later I realized that that statement probably wasn’t true but I had already spoken it. That got me to thinking…. Why is it that I am so quick to think, or speak in absolutes? What do you think? Is it our culture? Is it my sick competitive nature? Just a thought…

Speaking of absolutes, today Bret Favre announced that he would be quarterback for the Minnesota Vikings this year! Now how many times has he been absolutely retired?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

I don't know what to think...

I was told yesterday about Obama's address to the public schools on September the 8th and I don't know what to think.

I read today where it is implied that Bush did the same thing, I can't remember or find whether that is true or not.

I remember the tension and fear of discussing politics in a spiritual world. But I fear that "the real church" has been too quite on matters of politics for too long. I am certainly no longer republican or democrat! I better say that again I AM CERTAINLY NO LONGER REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT! Today I see positives on both sides, when I work real hard not to only see the negative.

I understand the desire to go to war to protect people who can't protect themselves, and I understand the desire to bring the troops home before too many die or we run out of credit trying to finance the war.

I understand the desire to provide for everyone who can't provide for themselves but I also understand the belief that "if you don't work you don't eat."

I understand the need for health care, but I also understand the necessity of a free economy and capitalism.

I don't know what to think about about a lot of things... I do know that Jesus is in charge and nothing catches Him by surprise.

Decisions, decisions, decisions...

I shared with the core group at aplacetotalk last night about our being rejected for membership into the local association, because we might consider allowing a group of people to use our building. (To understand that story read my blog title "REJECTED" from Monday.)

Anyway after sharing that story the core group discussed whether or not we even wanted to be associated with a denomination that would allow an association to reject a church on such a silly basis.

Today I am praying about which path we should take. Is this simply a decision or does this decision set us on a path?

Today I want to acknowledge God in all my ways and believe that He can make my path straight.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wholly Guacamole!

Wholly Guacamole!

I have made chicken fajitas many times but I have never bought guacamole for my homemade chicken fajitas. I doubt I ever make chicken fajitas again without some guacamole!

The brand name I used this time was Wholly Guacamole, spicy. Wow was it good!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Not Rejected!

Well I heard today about Tony Campolo and how he wasn't rejected at a gay and lesbian event where he was allowed to speak, in fact he received a standing ovation. Of course he was immediately rejected and judged by the religious world, but not by the gays, lesbians, nor his good (conservative, may I add) friend Steve Brown.

Steve heard the entire story before judging Tony. Turns out the gay and lesbian group applauded Tony after he told them the truth about their sin and then began to weep about their situation.

I can't discribe how impressed I am with the friendship of Tony and Steve. Too bad more Christians can't disagree about various things and still have and show genuine love for one another.

Monday, August 31, 2009


aplacetotalk was attempting to join and receive some support from a well known Christian denomination over the past few months. In that process I was asked to meet with the leadership of a local department of that denomination. I prayed throughout the process that God's will would be done, but I now realize that although I would say, and even pray for God's will I really wanted what seemed advantageous for the forward momentum of aplacetotalk. I constantly teach and say that it isn't about an organization (or Sunday morning club, like aplacetotalk) but that it is really about people! Meeting and ministering to people in the name of Jesus Christ and through the energy and power of Jesus Christ is the real goal. Yesterday a group from aplacetotalk built a handicap ramp for a gentleman who had some trouble getting into and out of his house. Yes we worked on a Sunday. I am not even going to take a touch of energy to validate our ministry yesterday. Well the leadership team from that "well known denomination" asked me a series of questions. At the heart of every question was the desire to know whether or not our participation in the denomination would damage their reputation. One of the questions was "What would you do if a homosexual group asked to use the aplacetotalk building?" Now there was a prior question that may or may not have led to this question. One revolved around the question of authority. This isn't a direct quote but the question was basically, How do you make decisions, or who will make decisions at aplacetotalk? I responded that we will discuss the decision as a group and try to come to a saying that pleases the group. I explained that we do things that way based on scriptures where we read "the saying pleased the multitude," like Acts 6:5.

So back to the question, "What would you do if a homosexual group asked to use the aplacetotalk building?" I responded to that question by saying "First of all, let me say that I am glad that I wouldn't have to make that decision alone. I would talk to the people and they would get to decide." Then the "leadership team" of the well known denomination asked me what I would do if there wasn't an agreement and I responded "Until there was an agreement we would have to wait." Later in the conversation I did say that if I believed that homosexuality was sin, just like gluttony, lies, gossip, and murder. I also added that if I believed there was any chance of influencing this imaginary group of homosexuals for Jesus Christ I would have to strongly consider allowing them to use the building. However; we can't forget that I wouldn't make that decision alone. I have no more rights to the aplacetotalk building than any other aplacetotalk partner or participant. We haven't discussed or planned anything about membership or partnership yet either so we need to nail that down someday as well. But that is a different blog post all together.
Anyway I am writing because I got a phone call today and the message was, and I quote "Hey Josh this is _(his name)_ uh, I talked to the leadership team and they said no on signing off on you guys mostly because of the willingness to have open homosexual groups come into the church uh if you need to call me back go ahead... talk to you later, bye."

Are you as surprised by this as I am? aplacetotalk was rejected by this little organization based on the possibility that some "imaginary group" may want to have an "imaginary cookout or meeting" on our property and we might have an "imaginary meeting" and discuss the possibility of allowing this "imaginary group" have an "imaginary cookout" on our property. I am so glad that I don't have to live in that "imaginary world" where human beings have imaginary authority over other human beings. I am so glad that I live in the real world where Jesus (the real King with the real authority) allows blacks, whites, racists, homosexuals, rednecks, democrats, republicans, fat people, skinny people, smart people, dumb people, alcoholics, drug abusers, rapists, rappers, bloggers, and even pastors live on His property and He doesn't toss them out just because they aren't perfect.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bloody Tennis

Adam wanted to try tennis today. We did. Ever play tennis? Do you remember how hard it was your first time? I do. Have you ever tried to play with someone for their first time?

Well if you have, you know that it is mostly a game of chasing balls. My experience with Adam was the same, until about 20 minutes in. After about 20 minutes we had our first real volley! He hit to me, I returned to him, he returned to me, I returned to him, and he, attempting to return to me, hit the ball with his racket. The ball careened off his racket and directly into his nose, and blood spewed.

The end.

Friday, August 28, 2009

When fifteen thousand is better than a million!

When fifteen thousand is better than a million!

On vacation on August 16th, 2009 and really chillin’ out! Early today I was watching Drop Dead Diva. Evidently it is about a girl who died and when she got to the afterlife she reached over the counter and hit the return button. That event threw her body back into the body of another person, an intelligent slightly overweight female lawyer (by the way, prior to her death and return she must have been a model, hence diva maybe?).

Anyway in the episode I was watching it was her birthday, only the new body she is in has her turning 32, but she would’ve been 24 in her previous (model) body. In a slightly parallel situation she is given a client who she has to represent who has just been released from a 10 year prison sentence for a crime he didn’t commit. See the parallel; both she and her client have had a number of years taken from their lives.

The wrongfully incarcerated individual has been offered $15,000.00 for his loss, but that seems way too little for ten years of lost life, way too little to the lawyer anyway. So in the next scene the “drop-dead diva” convinces the guy to fight for more money, she tells him as they are walking into the courtroom that he looks like a million bucks and that is what he deserves!

I left the room to go and play shuffleboard with my kids at that point in the show, so I have no idea what happens next, but I thought about that story the rest of the day. Taking the $15,000.00 would’ve been so much better than the million bucks. In America today we have lost a proper understanding of the value of an earned dollar and we have a screwed up idea of the value of a free or gifted dollar.

I recently read somewhere that life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you respond to it, I guess that is true. The problem is we don’t see a handout as a bad thing that happens to a person anymore, instead we think that free government assistance is a good thing but I think it is usually a trap.

I told a friend the other day that I was afraid that his disability settlement and check was going to kill him. I am afraid that he will lose the drive and desire to get back to work, and in turn that he will simply live off the little stipend that he receives from the government. Oh I pray that handout doesn’t steal his life away. Pray for my friend, we’ll call him Chris for now.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Recommended by a friend

I’m on vacation in Palm Coast, Florida. Relaxing is nice. I have started three of five books that I plan to read while here, and one of them clearly stands out above the rest – “Killing Cockroaches and other Scattered Musings on Leadership.” Although I will probably never post a blog related to a particular reading from this book, simply because of its nature, I am really enjoying it.

This morning (over a week ago when I post this blog – I am choosing not to pay for the internet here, because I need a break from internet and email as well as other things) I took two of my books to the pool to read while the kids swam, but I intentionally didn’t take Killing Cockroaches because I wanted to make myself read the other books. However as I was walking back from the pool I was anxious to read another section of that interesting book.

I am sharing about this because of the nature with which I discovered “Killing Cockroaches”. Before vacation I carved out a full two hours to sit at Barnes and Noble and read the first few pages of dozens of books, in order to find the ones I wanted to read on vacation. I choose 4 through that process. Later that same day I decided to call a friend and ask him what the best book he had read lately was, and yes you guessed it – Bob Templeton said “Killer Cockroaches.”

Bottom line… I probably should have asked more friends about what they are reading that I should read!

This entire story reminds me as to why Jesus gave us one another! By the way it’s Sunday, and we didn’t go to a Sunday morning club and we aren’t going tonight either. Truth is… I get frustrated attending most Sunday morning clubs during the typical Sunday morning worship hour. I enjoy the worship, and sometimes I learn a lot in the message, but I almost always want to raise my hand, interrupt the speaker and ask questions. Participating in a dialogue to me is so much better than listening to a lengthy lecture. With Hebrews 10:25 in mind – If your “assembling together with other believers” doesn’t include encouraging one another you might be missing the whole point!

Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a miracle

On Saturday August 15th, 2009 my family and I were heading to Palm Coast Florida to spend a week on vacation. I certainly felt like I needed a vacation, but I am not sure that I appreciated the time off like I should have.

That Saturday was the second day of our journey. On Friday we had traveled from Hickory or Newton to Saint Augustine with a couple of hours stop in Jacksonville, Florida to have dinner with some friends. (We had a great time catching up with Anthony and Angie Poole by the way.)

Anyway, I am writing to make a point, I better get to it. We borrowed my in-law’s GPS to make this trip but the address of the resort where we were to stay wasn’t on the GPS. In the process of contracting the resort I found the street that was on the GPS, but I had entered the wrong street number. I knew this but kept thinking I would correct it closer to our arrival.

As we were getting close we passed this sign. The sign was really big, beautiful and extravagant in the mind of my 5 year old daughter (she’ll be six by the time I post this) and it read “PALM COAST RESORTS”. As we drove by she said “wow, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could stay there!” I heard her, but didn’t think a thing about it as we drove past. After a few more minutes of driving maybe 2 – 3 miles, I remembered that I had entered the wrong address just as the GPS said we had arrived. By looking at the house numbers I realized that we had already passed the place where we were scheduled to stay. At that moment I wondered, “How will Faith respond if that was where we will be staying?” (Thanks to my parent’s time share we were blessed to be able to vacation at a resort that we couldn’t afford on our own. Thanks mom and dad.)

As I turned back toward the big sign, I quickly realized that it would be our home for the next seven nights. Right then I said “Faith, I think we are staying at that place. What would you think if we did get to stay there?” She said “Dad! It’s a miracle!”

Sometimes I wonder if we miss, or simply overlook the great things God provides us. Do you think it is because we get so used to just living life and thinking that we provide for ourselves without recognizing that everything is a gift of God? When was the last time we thanked God for our health, our family, and our friends?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunday's talk - 8/23/09

I enjoyed being back at home and with my friends at aplacetotalk. I am really enjoying what we do together. I wish I knew how to get more people involved in the weekly conversations though.

Today we looked at a passage in Acts 5 – where Peter says we would rather obey God than men, and then Gamaliel says that the other Pharisees should let the disciples alone, and then the disciples continue to teach and preach in the name of Jesus.

Over the next few weeks we are going to discuss as a group how a person could grow by participating with us and aplacetotalk. I would like for a visitor to be able to simply attend one Sunday and walk away knowing what his or her journey might look like if he or she allowed us (the people of aplacetotalk) to be a part of his or her journey in faith.

For example – they might first attend searching for some answers for his or her life

-they might first attend searching for some answers for his or her life

-then they might realize their need for a personal Savior or a relationship with Jesus Christ

-may decide to make that decision public through Baptism

-often new believers attempt to mimic the behaviors or practices of other believers

-then they begin to notice how others live and they may even begin to attempt to convince others to behave differently

-eventually we hope that believers learn that Christianity isn’t about following men, pastors, priests, or religious institutions

-freedom from following men – should set a person free to really walk in and know Jesus personally

-later that person will realize that Christianity isn’t about following rules but is about following the Spirit of God

-following the Spirit is sometimes frowned upon by others who are following rules, and you are sometimes tempted to try and convince everyone to follow what you believe you have learned through the Spirit of God

-eventually some grow to the point that they can follow the Spirit of God and allow others to follow God too, hence not judging others and attempting to be the religious police

-at this point I believe witness takes on another facet because you begin to have people ask you why you are different – you aren’t pushing Jesus or a church on anyone but instead you are allowing people to live

As you are being formed into a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, He (Jesus Christ) starts allowing you to be a part of helping others learn to follow Him – it is at this point that people begin wanting to follow you (earlier in your journey you would have longed to have people following you) but now you want people to stop following you and begin a relationship with Jesus Christ. Because watching someone find the freedom and joy that comes in really walking in Jesus is the greatest thing on earth.

Well I don’t know what I just said – I am not proof-reading or correcting anything – if I said something stupid please reply to this blog or join this discussion in the aplacetotalk.net forum.

Just to be clear – we are trying to come up with a catchy easy to remember, and easy to explain way to set out a path ( of spiritual growth ) for those who will consider participating with the people and ministry of aplacetotalk.net.

We are trying to build a place where:

1.Christ is exalted

2.Talking is normal

3.The Journey is Celebrated

4.Priesthood is Practiced

Maybe it is something like – exalted, talk, journey, practice and the idea is that people meet the exalted Lord, talk through beginning a relationship with Him and get Baptized (which is another way of telling people that you have chosen to follow Jesus, then the journey takes you from following rules to following the Spirit, and finally you practice the priesthood by hosting home groups and disciplining people…

Let’s work on this together….

We may need to include a new believer day now and then or a new member dinner now and then… whatever we need to think it through…

Thursday, August 13, 2009

can I set a blog to post in the future?

I mean if I change the post date and time - on the bottom right here to say January 1, 2010 at 5:00am will my blog not post until then... I am testing with this post, but I want go that far into the future - let's try maybe sometime later today.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Well the new web site is up, not complete, but up

Since the blog is now attached to the web site, and the web site is up.... I thought I would let the millions (acutally 3 - not 3 mil, but 3 LOL followers, my wife and kids aren't even following) of blog viewers know that aplacetotalk.net is up and running - not complete, but up!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

the new church - aplacetotalk and my roller coaster of thoughts...

Every other day I have a new thought about whether or not advertising and starting a new church is right, practical, and honoring to God.

Some days I wonder if advertising something like a "church" or a movement of God is just silly, (thinking about advertising a church reminds me of this picture - http://www.greetingcardsresource.com/miracle-healing-services.html) because if God is really doing something then people will just show up, because they are drawn to what God is doing. On other days I believe as strongly as anyone that God doesn't just randomly bless people or groups of people. Instead we discover God's will and recieve blessing (or the natural fruit of our labor) as a result of our work.

Today I thought I would take a moment to write down what I think - when I think I am thinking clearly. I will continue to do all that I can (to promote, advertise, and start the new church), without taking too much time and attention from my primary role as a husband and father of four, and at the same time I will remember that advertising, promotions and events are not the goal but just a tool to tell people about Jesus Christ.

So I will roll on with the public opening of aplacetotalk. Our first advertised public service will be Sunday, September 27th. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I am not sure I get this whole twitter thing.... is it just short posts about what you're doing?
Sorry - I just don't get it.
But since all the cool people are doing it.... I'm in!

Monday, March 23, 2009


I am sad today, but I know that death for a believer, a friend of Christ like Jenni Wallace Cornwell isn't a sad thing. It is sad though for those of us who know and love her but are still here. For Josh, Judy, Layne, Amy, Jim, Debbie, and the rest of the family I am sad; but for Jenni I should be very happy. Jenni - congrats I will see you in eternity when it is my turn. I know you are having a wonderful time now.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Isn't it shocking when you are slapped in the face...

Isn't it shocking when you are slapped in the face...

As I was growing up we never gave money to people asking, I want to say that never is a strong word and that surely we did sometimes. The problem is - it may not be true. We nearly never gave money to the Salvation Army bell ringers, the girl scout collecting money, the churches selling trinkets outside of Wal-Mart, the blind selling light bulbs door to door, nor most anyone else. In fact I often remember hearing and making the statement "we (or I) gave at the church."

The other night I had a conversation with a friend who I believe grew up never giving at the church. I never even considered what his family might do with those we told "no, we gave at the church," until Sunday night. A third party made the comment about how my friend gave to everyone who asked. He may have never given or rarely had given at the church but he gave and maybe his way of giving was more much more Christ-like than mine. I am certainly not implying that his type of giving or anyone's giving would make them right with God - hopefully we understand that being right with God is all about grace and relationship with Jesus.

Well that was my slap in the face... so how will I apply that slap in the face in my life?

BALANCE - it seems that this is so often the answer in the Christian's life. Not legalistic or liberal but balanced, not a street preacher nor a mute when it comes to sharing Christ but a balanced Christian who follows God's leading in sharing, neither lazy nor a workaholic but balanced hardworking and willing to rest!

Well here again I want to be balanced... I pray that I will continue to give to a storehouse like a local church but I also want to participate in a church that isn't so financially bound that her members can't give to needs outside the local church as well!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

YMCA Basketball Champs....

This is a note that I gave each of my 9-10 year old basketball players after the championship game yesterday, actually I gave it to their parents and the parents could pass it along if they approved. They played an amazing game yesterday and won the Statesville, Hickory, Conover, and Lyle Creek YMCA basketball tournament championship for their age division.

I have so enjoyed coaching each of you guys. I ran across a picture of a team I coached 11 or 12 years ago and I could still remember each of the kids. Now I didn’t remember each of their names but I could remember something about every one of them. You guys are a team much like them, great kids that I will remember for a long time to come. During the tournament we focused on five things. I want to share with you five things about life that go along with those five keys to basketball.

Trust - In basketball there is nothing more important than trusting your team mates and passing the basketball. In life I would encourage you to trust people until they prove to not be trustworthy. My favorite line from the Chronicles of Narnia is “Have you ever known Lucy to be a liar before?” That line isn’t in the movie... so you would have to read the book to find it.

Believe - In basketball you have to believe in your shot, and in life I would encourage you to believe in Jesus Christ. Now I want tell you to find a certain religion or a certain church, but I would tell you to believe in Jesus and follow Him with all of your life. Allow Jesus to guide every area of your life. He is the world’s greatest coach, He died for His team and He picks you.

Talk - Find other followers of Jesus to talk to and talk to them often. In life just like in basketball you need team mates to coach you and you need to coach one another. One fourth of the New Testament was written by one man (Luke) to one other man (Theophilus). Those books are the gospel of Luke, and the Acts of the
Apostles. They are the best example I know of humans coaching one another.

Find - In basketball we talked about finding a place for your butt. In life I would encourage you to find a place for your hands. Find something that you love and do it well. If a man doesn’t work, he doesn’t eat. Except in America and America may change someday, so find work you love and do it with all your energy.

Scream - Well screaming scares the other team and allows you to enjoy the game. In life I think you should do the same thing. Never be afraid to scream and enjoy every part of life! Life is fun and every commandment that God gives, helps you enjoy life!

- Hope to see you again, Josh

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What bothers me most about modern day religious leaders

I think I figured it out… I think I can begin to put into words what bothers me the most about modern day religious leaders —you know who I am talking about —pastors, preachers, evangelists, Religion professors, Sunday School teachers, Priests, Rabbis, the whole lot of them.

I remember back pretty clearly the moment that caused me to first become frustrated. I was in my mid to late twenties and I was totally immersed in the whole religious scene. I was in one of those meetings with others who were deeply immersed in the religious scene — you know, or if you have always been a lay person maybe you don’t. Sometimes the preacher types get together and act ministerial.

Well this was a small meeting of those types, and one of my close friends was giving the devotional. During his little devotion he spoke of Mother Teresa. It was quite interesting to me because Mother Teresa received absolutely no respect from the crowd that I associated with at that time. The big moment was right after he gave the devotional, the leader of our little group spoke up and asked him in an extremely condescending way, “You do realize that Mother Teresa is most likely in hell right now don’t you.” Now before you get too offended understand that the person who said this was someone that I looked up to and respected tons, but that statement broke something in me. I too wondered if Mother Teresa knew Christ, I too wondered how she could live like she did and still associate with the Catholic church, I too thought about her belief system and wondered what was the real answer, but the certainty with which he rebuked my friend shocked me and caused me to question things again. By the way, I know me calling someone condescending is just as bad as me calling someone fat — pot / kettle / black — I get it, but this made me think.

Ok, now let me make my point. The thing that bothers me the most is that so many of us religious type professionals talk like we have it all figured out. We speak about doctrinal things like we are the only ones who really understand. Ask us a question about the Bible and we give you the answer. We pretend we know and understand it all. For most of my life I thought that I just hadn’t read the Bible enough to understand it, but now I think I realize that I just hadn’t read it enough to realize and admit that it is full of things that I don’t understand!

Let me give you a taste — simply a taste of stuff that I don’t understand from the first 3 days of One Year Bible reading — oh, yes I have read this stuff before, but it is different when you aren’t trying to make the world think that you know it all….

· 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin coverings. 8 They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 Then the LORD God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?" 10 He said, "I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself."

o Why did God say where are you, if He knows everything? (I do still believe He is all powerful and all knowing – did He limit Himself for Adam and Eve?)

o Most religious people would say that God asked a question not because He didn’t know the answer, but because he wanted to teach Adam and Eve something, maybe that is exactly right, but today I admit that I don’t know. There is a tiny bit of me that thinks that God wouldn’t have asked a question that He knew the answer to because it seems like backhanded deceit — tiny bit of me.

o How could God be in the presence of sin? (I think I was taught that He can’t let our sin into heaven because it would damage His holiness.)

· 13 Then the LORD God said to the woman, "What is this you have done?" And the woman said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." 14 The LORD God said to the serpent, " Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life; 15 And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel."

o I am still wondering why someone didn’t put this chick in a padded room since she was talking to snakes!

o But in the next sentence God talks to a snake and even curses a snake — go figure!

o Unless you are talking to snakes and hearing responses, I think it is time that we all admit that we don’t understand it all.

· 2 Again, she gave birth to his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. 3 So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the LORD of the fruit of the ground. 4 Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offering; 5 but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell. 6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? 7 "If you do well, will not {your countenance} be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it."

o Why again was Cain’s offering not accepted and Abel’s was? I know that we say it was about the blood — Abel’s had blood and Cain’s didn’t but is that it?

o Others say that Cain’s offering represented his work and Abel’s represented God’s creation, but didn’t God create the plants just like He did the animals?

Well, I hope you get my point — there are tons of things that I don’t understand and I think it is time that we admit that we don’t really get it all.

What I do get and know beyond any doubt is that God wants to walk and talk with me and you, while I may not understand all of the Bible, and I certainly don’t understand all of God, I do understand that He was willing to do anything to get my sin and my shame out of the way so that I would quit hiding from Him just like Adam and Eve did in the garden.